Wesleyan University
Music Dept. and Graduate Liberal Studies Program
present the
Fourth Annual
Summer Jembe Institute
Middletown, Connecticut
We regret to announce that the Annual Summer Jembe Institutes to
be held at Wesleyan University have been indefinitely
postponed. Plans are underway to produce the event in June 2001.
Eric Charry
An intensive course for beginning to advanced students of West African jembe (djembe) drumming and its related dancing, featuring master drummers and choreographers from Mali, Guinea, and Senegal.
With the move of SJI director Eric Charry from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro to the Wesleyan University Music Department, the Summer Jembe Institute has relocated. Now in our fourth year, we continue to expand and improve our offerings. The Third Annual Summer Jembe Institute in 1998 was an unprecedented event with nine African teachers and over one hundred students from over 20 states, Canada, Mexico, France and Holland. Participants came from all walks of life, from young teens to senior citizens, from novices to professional percussionists.
Wesleyan University, located in a small New England town midway between New York and Boston, is ranked among the top ten liberal arts institutions in the United States. The renowned World Music program established in the 1960s is the second oldest in the country with offerings leading to the Ph.D. in ethnomusicology. Wesleyan graduates are teaching in major ethnomusicology programs across the country and are leading scholars in the musics of Asia, Europe, South America, the Caribbean, and Africa.
The Graduate Liberal Studies Program of Wesleyan University is able to offer limited college credit for this event.
last updated 12 June 2000
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